Guides and tutorials to help you learn the Voxel WordPress Theme

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Recent Articles

The Randomize Output Modifier for the Voxel WordPress Theme allows you to input a comma-separated list, such as a list of image Gallery IDs or taxonomies and outputs one random value each time the page is refreshed. Whether you want to showcase a random image from a gallery or display a different taxonomy term on […]
This modifier enables you to trim the content of a Gutenberg WordPress post by specifying a range of heading blocks. Within the defined range, it also includes any non-heading content such as paragraphs, images, and buttons. The code counts the Core/Heading blocks from a Gutenberg post, Generateblocks/Headline from GenerateBlocks, and Kadence/Advancedheading from Kadence Blocks. Other […]
In the Voxel WordPress Theme, you may have noticed that the containers sometimes have uneven heights when displaying posts or terms in a grid format using the Voxel Post Feed or Voxel Term Feed widgets. This can make the layout look messy, especially when displaying different content types. Unfortunately, even setting 100% height on elements […]
As a business directory owner using the Voxel Theme, you may want to allow users and business owners to format their content using the WYSIWYG editor without worrying about external links. Often, these users add links in their descriptions that create SEO challenges—whether they’re follow or no-follow links—when your primary focus is on maintaining a […]
This Mod is now included natively in the Voxel WordPress Theme. No need to add it. When working with dynamic data in WordPress using the Voxel Theme, having control over how numbers are displayed can be crucial for certain tasks. One common need is converting measurements, such as switching from inches to centimetres. This Voxel […]
Voxel Mods Multiplication
Presenting data in a readable and user-friendly way is crucial. Whether you’re dealing with large numbers or organizing text strings, properly formatted outputs can significantly enhance the user experience. The “Format with Separator” Voxel Theme Modifier is designed to give you the power to format both numerical and text data using custom separators and grouping […]

Voxel Theme Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make an entire preview card clickable in Voxel?

The best and most accessible way to achieve this is by using a pseudo element on the link and expanding the clickable area over the entire card.

You need to apply two classes: clickable-card: applied to the card container and clickable-link: applied to the heading that contains the link.

Then copy the CSS from here.

Code Snippets

What's the difference between Voxel Elements vs Elementor?

UPDATE: Voxel Elements is no longer used. With the performance improvements in Elementor core, the VX team chose to discontinue the fork.

Voxel Elements is faster, while the official Elementor plugin has better compatibility with 3rd party addons.

Voxel Elements is a custom version of the free Elementor page builder plugin, optimized for better performance.

These performance benefits are gained by making changes to the page rendering algorithm, speeding up page loading.
VXE does not make changes to the assets loaded or DOM output.


What are the features of the Voxel WordPress Theme?

The Voxel WordPress Theme is an all-in-one framework used for dynamic content, conditional logic, content restrictions, membership, booking, directory and multi-vendor split payments.
See a detailed breakdown here.

If I have custom post types in another theme, can I switch to Voxel Theme?

Yes. Any custom post types, Elementor data, or any other functionality provided by another theme that follows WordPress standards will keep working when switching to Voxel.

Custom Post Types

Useful Resources to help you build

Sometimes you need custom CSS. This CSS reference table demonstrates the different selectors and will help you style your content.

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